It’s a season full of warmth, no not the one provided by the
sun. A season where the family gathers and makes memories. It’s the winter.
The winter is the season of hot chocolates and movie nights. The season that
encourages us to hold on to that what keeps us warm on the inside, to the
people who love us unconditionally.
A couple of days ago, I was in the car and
it rained. The driver told me that this was the first time it had rained this
winter and said that rain, to him signifies good fortune and a bright future.
Out of curiosity I asked him which season he preferred. He answered me saying
that he was a believer in God and that he couldn’t choose a favorite because
the days he lived were blessings bestowed upon him so how could he say that he
didn’t like one of God’s blessings? He said that the purpose behind the winter
and summer being opposites is that it gives us a chance to appreciate each one
of them. They were like pieces of a puzzle that fit perfectly. It made them
unique, each in their own way. The entire ride home I was still trying to
process his answer. I hadn’t expected such a wise response from him. It shocked
me that someone whose life is hard and whose worries compiled are mountains
high would be thankful for something so simple, that we all take for
granted. He was the living proof of the
principle of conviction. He was convinced that his simple life was ideal and
therefore was able to lead it happily and reflect on the aspects in it. He
found a source of happiness in the things we barely take note of and learned to
slow down and enjoy all of the roses in the garden while we only give ourselves
time to reach for a few flowers. That day I was fascinated by his optimism and
view of life. It’s nice to know that there are people who think so simply and
positively. I was definitely inspired
Just a girl who is passionate about words and the melody they create when combined. Yes, I hear them. I hope my words inspire and motivate you and I hope you hear them just the way I do.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Friday, November 21, 2014
How to lead a valuable life..
Change. A word of Latin origin meaning to transform or
convert and is as stated by Heraclitus “the only constant”. Change is the
infinite in our finite lives. The rollercoaster we call life doesn’t stop for
anyone; it keeps going up and down, the ride changes and the experience is
You must remember when you were little, how you used to think that you
were tiny kind of like tinker bell in a city of giants. At least I do, I
remember always wanting to grow up, to be able to go up the stairs without stumbling
and being able to reach higher shelves. Such simple things for which children depend
on someone else.
Getting into teenage years you feel pressured from all
possible sides, you can’t wait until you earn your independence, until you have
a job and a say as to how you’ll spend your life. It looks like your teenage
years will last forever. The countless times of saying “When I’m older, I’ll
decide for myself and no one will be able to make me obey them, I’ll be free”. You await that freedom.
from university seems like a dream come true, you’ve finally built your
character and thoughts and are ready to face the world. You get a job and soon
realize that your life will remain the same over the course of the following
During Adulthood you have long working hours, no summer vacation to look forward to, more stress and less fun. You are still obliged to obey, you just obey different people than the ones you used to obey as an adolescent.
During Adulthood you have long working hours, no summer vacation to look forward to, more stress and less fun. You are still obliged to obey, you just obey different people than the ones you used to obey as an adolescent.
hits you in the face. This wasn’t what you expected. Where was the independence
you desired? You look back and regret always having wanted to jump from one
stage to the next.
On a daily basis nothing seemed different but looking at old photos you recognize the dissimilarity.

You make sure to tell the new generation that their
childhood years are the best years they’ll ever have. It’s a pity that human
nature only allows us to learn through our own experiences, not those of
others. But the question that has been on my mind is why? Why don’t we live
each stage fully? Why are we is such a rush, constantly wanting to modify our
lives? Since change is inevitable and will happen regardless of what we think,
why not embrace it?

We should start appreciating every single stage of our
lives as we’ll never be younger or filled with more energy than we are at this
very moment. I learned from the book “Tuesdays with Morrie” by Mitch Albom that
looking back and regretting signifies an unfulfilled life, one lacking in
happiness. Living in the moment will allow us to desire and look forward to
change. Leading an optimistic life, one focusing on the value of present rather
than trying to get rid of it. A life worth living.

Friday, November 14, 2014
The winner stands alone
As kids, we are always told that the things that matter most
are chasing our dreams, voicing our opinions and implementing our ideas. We are
taught to follow the universal values such as honesty, loyalty, respect and integrity.
As we grow older we get exposed to other behaviors that by all means defy the
way we have been brought up. We face situations where peer pressure can overcome
the ideologies that our parents have worked hard on instilling in us.
Slowly, without realizing, some adapt to those behaviors and
start regarding them as “normal”. They dive deep and lose their original values...
When others have already figured out their diverse in life, this group of
people is caught up in that age and its’ thoughts.
Vulnerable adolescents become followers of a person or a
group of people, lose so much of their identity, thoughts and individuality. The
“fake” independence gets the best of them and gets them caught up on the very
thought that they rule the future. The power to influence what is to come is
used negatively. The structure of their personalities is messed up.
Others, get lost in the crowd and do that, what they see their
friends doing but continue to hold on to their ways of thinking anyway. They
face a struggle between following the values instilled in them or the group of
friends they belong to and feel torn and shaken until they find the path they’d
like to pursue in life.
On the other hand the minority grabs onto what they have
been fed as children refusing to integrate the slightest bit. They are teased,
somehow bullied and isolated. They either become idealistic and introverted or
develop a psychological problem, not having lived out their teenage years.

It is those who manage to find the balance, those who are
able to escape the bad influence without being isolated, that succeed in life. The
ones that aren’t just told to follow the rules and values but have really
soaked them and are fully convinced with them, that keep them.
At the end you need to find out the road you’d like to take
in life, for your friends will not be the ones to blame if you fail to realize
your dreams. When people speak of your successes and failures, your friends
will not be mentioned, for the winner stands alone. Put your future and thoughts
above everything else but it is mere social intelligence to be part of the
friends your age, to become a part of society. Find the right balance.
The winner stands alone.
Friday, November 7, 2014
Are you satisfied with the life you are living?
Today, I was in the car with my dad. We were having a nice
conversation that was suddenly interrupted by an accident we saw. It was a young
lady that had been run over by a car. Her head was covered in blood and people
were running in her direction. It was rather clear that she had been killed. Now,
accidents like that are not out of the norm here in Egypt. But this particular
image of her was stuck in my head. I couldn’t begin to fathom how horrible her
family would feel. I don’t even know her but it’s rather sad to see someone part
from life at such a young age. Think about her hopes, her dreams and plans. All
shattered in the blink of an eye. Just like that. Everything was gone in
something we rarely give importance to, a second. Why don’t we, humans realize
the value of something until it’s snatched from our hands? Even if it’s something
as worthy as our own lives.Why are we all so caught up on our materialistic and
pragmatic realities that we fail to recognize that we are only granted one
life? As I have learned from the book “Tuesdays with Morrie” recommended to me
by a friend of mine, what matters most are the small pleasures in life. We have
to cherish them for they are bound to come to an end. Life is NOT short. I
promise you it’s not. It is we, who insist on wasting the time we have. Life’s
not a competition on who has the best car or who has the most friends. It’s a
ride during which we encounter challenges. The way we face them shapes our
personalities and defines us . The successes along the way drive us to have
hopes, ambitious ones. We create ideologies, opinions and theories. If we are
lucky we get to turn our dreams into reality. But there is never a guarantee.

Live out every second of your life. Do something with it. Dream, dream big.
Reach for the stars and grab them. Make sure you put every single minute you’re
given at use. No regrets.
"If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of"- Bruce Lee
By: Hanaa El Sammak