Friday, October 31, 2014

The Happy Jar..

A while back one of my teachers asked me to prepare a presentation on Breast Cancer. After having read a couple of articles and done some research I decided to read about women who have experienced this disease in their lifetime. I was very interested in knowing how they felt, how they overcame it and what worried them. The stories affected me in so many ways.  Their confidence amazed me. I realized that sometimes God gives us a battle so we can come out stronger.  I couldn’t get that out of my mind and I noticed the positive impact it had on my life. I started appreciating even the smallest of blessings. Consequently, during my presentation I made sure to deliver that same picture to my class mates. Admittedly I was surprised by how emotional they had gotten and felt the need to share with them something that I now do on a daily basis which is the “Happy Jar”.
At the end of each day I just like to sit down and think of something that happened to me that day and made me feel special, appreciated, happy, loved, blessed or thankful, and it doesn’t even have to be anything major. It could be as simple as coming home to my family at the end of a stressful day or going on a run and feeling brand new and refreshed. After choosing that one thing I just write it down on a small piece of paper along with the date, fold it up and throw it in my jar. It’s literally that easy.  It helps you focus on the little blessings you have in your life. Exactly 365 days from the day I started I’ll open that jar and look through all of those little notes. You can only imagine how amazing that’s going to feel. I want to prove to myself and others that no matter how stressful life may be we need to take note of the little things we come across because our time in life is limited if we don’t start appreciating it now maybe we never will.