Monday, May 11, 2015

Perfection at its finest

Laying there, on the ground with her eyes softly gazing at the moonlit sky as if it were a beautiful portrait. She focused all her energy on admiring the lanterns that hung from the atmosphere so gracefully. Her mind didn't wander and her heart, the wildest thing about her, was, for once, at peace. And for a second, she saw the reflection of her face in the moon. She saw the wildness despite the age, the life despite the the cage that society designed to tame her stormy thoughts. She felt free, free of every judgement and worry. She found tranquillity in the way the moon and the stars live in harmony despite their differences and learned to love herself with all her flaws and imperfections the way she loved the moon with all it's holes and unevenness because there is no heart that can give what it believes it doesn't deserve. She was the essence of beauty, the kind that was unapologetically itself. And her eyes shone with satisfaction and fulfilment. And there it was, perfection at its finest