Friday, November 28, 2014

A winter's inspiration..

It’s a season full of warmth, no not the one provided by the sun. A season where the family gathers and makes memories. It’s the winter. The winter is the season of hot chocolates and movie nights. The season that encourages us to hold on to that what keeps us warm on the inside, to the people who love us unconditionally. A couple of days ago, I was in the car and it rained. The driver told me that this was the first time it had rained this winter and said that rain, to him signifies good fortune and a bright future. Out of curiosity I asked him which season he preferred. He answered me saying that he was a believer in God and that he couldn’t choose a favorite because the days he lived were blessings bestowed upon him so how could he say that he didn’t like one of God’s blessings? He said that the purpose behind the winter and summer being opposites is that it gives us a chance to appreciate each one of them. They were like pieces of a puzzle that fit perfectly. It made them unique, each in their own way. The entire ride home I was still trying to process his answer. I hadn’t expected such a wise response from him. It shocked me that someone whose life is hard and whose worries compiled are mountains high would be thankful for something so simple, that we all take for granted.  He was the living proof of the principle of conviction. He was convinced that his simple life was ideal and therefore was able to lead it happily and reflect on the aspects in it. He found a source of happiness in the things we barely take note of and learned to slow down and enjoy all of the roses in the garden while we only give ourselves time to reach for a few flowers. That day I was fascinated by his optimism and view of life. It’s nice to know that there are people who think so simply and positively. I was definitely inspired

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