Friday, January 23, 2015

Students will relate

Dear student,

So it was that dreaded week again. The week of suffering that everyone despises. Full of stress, tension and the constant inner debate of whether or not you’ll make it through. I know you might not believe me when I say this but you will. You will be able to overcome every obstacle along the way. If it’s not clear what I am talking about yet, it’s final’s week. I think we’ve all been through the feeling of drowning in all the papers and homework we haven’t started.  I know the tension can get overwhelming when you’re in the exam room with millions of questions flying through your head. Have I studied enough? Am I smart enough? Thinking about your score and transcript. Will my grades be sufficient to get me to where I’ve always wanted to be?  You feel the tension and fear creeping in. You compare your answers to those of your friends’ after the exam and it only makes you more nervous. This just doesn’t add up!

And then comes the day when you find out your results. Have you passed? Did the hours of focused studying pay off? You take a deep breath and approach the scoring list, look for your name and then find the corresponding grade. Have you reached the goals you’ve anticipated? Did you work hard enough? I want you to remember while looking at the scoring board that whatever grade you’ve gotten is one that you deserve. Depending on your grade you can either use it as a soothing reward, in that case please consider the feelings of those who have gotten worse grades or you can use it as a wakeup call to focus on your future and put more effort into your studies. Either way you need to keep in mind that your grades do not define you, they say nothing about your sense of humor or your ability to make others happy. They state nothing of your personality. They just show you your academic level in a certain subject or field at a certain time, that’s all.

We never take note of one particular fact though. That is that we are blessed, blessed to know about our exams and the specified topics and to have teachers who explain the topics to us prior to our testing. That is because life is a series of confrontations but the difference is that the challenges of life are given randomly at any time in any field and it’s often so, that we only learn the lesson after the test. Sounds quite hard, don’t it?

I’d like school without the exams just as much as I’d like life without the challenges but unfortunately that’s not the case.

I’m writing this after one of the most stressful weeks out there telling you that you can do it and will continue to do it, even if you don’t believe so yourself, I BELIEVE IN YOU

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