Thursday, February 26, 2015

Little things

This week's blog is a little bit different than what i'd usually do. It's something that is quite personal. Each one of my extended family members lives in a different city or is often abroad. I only get the privilege to see them every few months. A couple of weeks ago my uncle, knowing and following my passion for literature, gave me a book called Outliers by Malcom Gladwell. I started reading it about 2-3 days ago. It's such an intriguing book, but that's not my point. I'm neither talking about the writer, nor about the content of the book. I am talking about the gesture. The very fact that he thought of me, and remembered a detail of my personality that stood out to him and actually put in the effort to cultivate a skill of mine, meant the absolute world to me. Don't get me wrong, my uncle isn't cold or anything on the contrary he is very supporting and warm but I was really touched by this act. It is the very small warm gestures that really stay in memory and make each individual unique. By remembering a personality trait or a hobby of someone you love, you have the ability of showing them appreciation and interest in them.
This week i challenge you to make a simple thoughtful gesture to a person you love, be it a note or a gift. Good luck😉

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Thursday, February 19, 2015

You've had the same thoughts too, don't deny it

Watch from a distance, observe. A little rule I go by.
From my very limited knowledge of life, the jungle we live in, I've learned that people change in the blink of an eye and sacrifice the right things for the wrong reasons. Go to unimaginable limits to reach their desires. Some even intentionally break others on the inside in order to attain their goals. Slowly I've realized that they break others in an attempt to fix themselves. People are so complex. So deep. Filled with so much passion, emotion, history, scars. It's endless.
The world is not big, it's overwhelmingly huge.
Yes, I am young, I am vulnerable, I am fragile but I am also like a caterpillar trying to bloom into a butterfly, struggling to understand the secrets of the big world, desperately wanting to remain young, safe and carefree, determined to fly. Like many my age I am caught in the middle, confused, trying to find my way, lost.
There is so much I don't understand, so much I don't know.
And although I am a firm believer that knowledge is light, I can only say that sometimes behind the dark there lies the indescribably scary upon which I would rather not shed any light. Ignorance is bliss
But you know what, I am not the first one to feel this way, the days are ahead of me to figure out what needs to be figured out. It's all so tangled up, so complex but that's ok for things will eventually fall into place.

So whatever your struggles are, whatever you feel is weighing you down just say that it'll resolve itself, don't let anything control your thoughts or eat your brain, keep your thoughts on the things that lift you up and make you feel blessed.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

No Regrets

Time, a word from old english origin meaning the indefinite continuing in existence. Or at least that is how it's defined in my dictionary. I like to regard time as one of the most precious treasures given to us yet probably the one used the worst.
"I don't have the time" is an excuse we often use to avoid doing a certain activity. Yes, I do think it's just an excuse. As defined above time is indefinite, so how could we mark out its boundary ?
It is so often that we feel stressed, pressured and tense because we spread ourselves too thin. Those are the moments in our every day lives where we are very prone to unconsciously reacting negatively in daily life situations. Anger, pain, stress and brokenness evoke the same unconscious reaction. We do things in one second that can make us live our lives in regret. But don't worry because there is a way to limit our impulsive reactions. This week's blog post is a step-by-step guide to help restrict our reaction speed.

Step one
Distance yourself from the situation if possible. It is so often that we start an argument simply because of the mere sight of the person bothering us. A good way to avoid a fight is to take yourself out of the situation in order to reflect upon it and be able to decide what is the right decision to make. That way your conscious mind will be engaged in reaching a conclusion. And you'll find peace and quiet and be able to relax, resulting in clearer thoughts.

Step two
Try to find out the core of your anger or frustration. Sometimes the smallest of things get on our nerves simply because we've been having a bad day. A good way to do that is to recap on your day and try to find out the essence of what started the spiraling negative energy. If possible try to avoid the source of that energy.

Step three
Clear your mind. stop thinking of your friend who lost your favorite book, or the one that took credit for your work. Simply lie on the grass or on your bed, look up and clear your mind. Let go of all negative energy and try to find things that made you smile throughout the day. Was it your coworker who complimented your style this morning? Possibly a phone call of a person you haven't seen in a long time? Or maybe even someone on the pavement that smiled at you. Regardless just remember something that truly brightened your day and shift your focus onto it.

I know that life can get a bit overwhelming whatever age-group you are in, when put in situations where our patience is being put to the test we all need to remember anything positive in our lives, whether that's as simple as having had your favorite breakfast or as big as having saved a child. The important thing is that we focus more on the plusses (optimism) and less on the minuses (pessimism)
I hope that during the darkest of days you remember that I BELIEVE IN YOU..

Friday, February 6, 2015

What do you like to do?

Last week I watched a YouTuber called Connor Franta. He made a video asking people what they liked to do. The video has really inspired me that's why for this week I decided to change things up and do my own little twist on it. ( Connor's video:
I like to do quite a bunch of things amongst which there is reading, writing and taking artistic pictures. No, I'm not claiming that i'm the best writer or the fastest reader or the most professional photographer. I don't let that stop me, I continue to share my writing, read my books and freeze moments. The absolute need to be the best is something I don't find within me, I simply enjoy each of these activities. There is something about art in general that really fascinates me. I'm driven and passionate and that's all that really matters

Something I've learned is that we all have a talent of some kind. Each of us is exceptionally good at something in which we should take all measures to reach our full potential. And while many believe they are 'nothing extra' or 'normal' they don't realize that there is a wonderful in the ordinary. It's all about perspective. We all are what we believe ourselves to be, so believe that you are special and talented.
Long story short I want you to click off this page and start thinking of your special aspect, I want you to have millions of ideas, questions and thoughts flying through your head but mainly this one: What do I like to do?