Thursday, February 19, 2015

You've had the same thoughts too, don't deny it

Watch from a distance, observe. A little rule I go by.
From my very limited knowledge of life, the jungle we live in, I've learned that people change in the blink of an eye and sacrifice the right things for the wrong reasons. Go to unimaginable limits to reach their desires. Some even intentionally break others on the inside in order to attain their goals. Slowly I've realized that they break others in an attempt to fix themselves. People are so complex. So deep. Filled with so much passion, emotion, history, scars. It's endless.
The world is not big, it's overwhelmingly huge.
Yes, I am young, I am vulnerable, I am fragile but I am also like a caterpillar trying to bloom into a butterfly, struggling to understand the secrets of the big world, desperately wanting to remain young, safe and carefree, determined to fly. Like many my age I am caught in the middle, confused, trying to find my way, lost.
There is so much I don't understand, so much I don't know.
And although I am a firm believer that knowledge is light, I can only say that sometimes behind the dark there lies the indescribably scary upon which I would rather not shed any light. Ignorance is bliss
But you know what, I am not the first one to feel this way, the days are ahead of me to figure out what needs to be figured out. It's all so tangled up, so complex but that's ok for things will eventually fall into place.

So whatever your struggles are, whatever you feel is weighing you down just say that it'll resolve itself, don't let anything control your thoughts or eat your brain, keep your thoughts on the things that lift you up and make you feel blessed.

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