Thursday, March 12, 2015

Hey, you! Don't give up okay?

"It's not worth it" your mind says to you. "They'll never accept you" your heart whispers. You feel devastated, sorry for yourself, sad and helpless. It's a moment, a second during which your unconscious mind decides whether you give up or fight the battle. It's a moment of self doubt and fear. One where you don't believe in who you are. That's when inspiration, motivation and empowerment come in. Three of my favorite elements to reawaken the spark within you. Let's start with inspiration. No, I'm not going to bore you with the usual "google it" I'm going to tell you something that has truly helped me: Inspire yourself, inspire yourself through your previous accomplishments. Find the power in your self to say "hey, you know what, I can do this". Inspiration doesn't only come from heroes and people you admire, it comes from within you. Moving on with motivation, now that you've been inspired it's time to have a motive to get to work. My favorite way to do this is to talk to a close friend or family member about my goals, it helps them hold me accountable which has a direct effect on my performance level. Furthermore, I find Ted Talks ( to be quite effective in getting me back on the right track. I usually tend to watch talks with a funny twist in them as they help to ease my tension and push away my negative energy. Not to forget empowerment. Finding the courage and confidence to do it. This is the last step after which you can start working on your goal. The mere faith in your abilities will help you to achieve a lot more than you ever thought, it'll help you exceed your potential and expectations which will lead to a positive attitude towards the outcome of your aspirations

Lastly, I want you to repeat after me "I BELIEVE IN MYSELF, I CAN DO THIS" great, now, say this 3 times.
And if you ever feel down in the dumps or just not yourself, please remember that ups and downs are a part of the roller-coaster we call life. We are all in this together.


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