Monday, August 24, 2015

Morning hacks you wish you knew #back2school

Here's to back to school season. The sun is up, it's a beautiful day and we're all school ready.         
                     NOT REALLY
We all know that this is not even humanly possible. So here are a few hacks to make your morning suck a little less.

1- Put your phone in a glass cup

Especially for the first few days of school we're all still used to sleeping in. Putting your phone in a cup amplifies the sound of your alarm forcing you to wake up

2- HYDRATE before you caffeinate

My health conscious self had to add this in. Drinking a big glass of water right when you wake up not only refreshes your senses but cleans your system leaving you energised and ready for the day. Do this before drinking your coffee/tea. Now, I don't drink coffee at all because it dehydrates your body and adds unnecessary caffeine. But if you absolutely have to have it then moderately and after having water in your system.

3- Make a playlist

Make a morning playlist that is as long as you need for getting ready. That way you won't be late and you'll know exactly how much time you have left. Add in your favourite upbeat music to have a positive attitude at the beginning of the day.

Here's mine:
Good for you- Selena Gomez ft. A$AP Rocky
Photograph- Ed Sheeran
Cool for the summer- Demi Lovato
Sound of your heart- Shawn Hook
Stitches (acoustic)- Shawn Mendes ft. Hailee Steinfield
The Hills- The weeknd
Papercut- Zedd ft. Troye Sivan
Rule the world- Walk off the edge
Where are ü now- Justin Bieber
Locked away- R. City
Nothing really matters- Mr Probz

4- Put your phone on airplane mode 

Summer is the season that feeds our internet obsession. Right before sleeping put your phone on airplane phone to lessen the radioactive waves and have uninterrupted sleep. Keep it on airplane mode until you're out of the house so that the notifications of last night don't consume the time you have to get ready.

5- Read positive affirmations every morning

This is a big one for me. Now, I've been reading a book that has made more conscious about my thoughts. Saying positive affirmations every morning motivates you to work hard and be in the right mindset.

6- Prepare the night before

Okay, I know we're all really lazy the night before but seriously I love sleep and preparing your bag/ outfit in the morning takes a lot of time, time during which you could be sleeping! So make sure what you have to do in the morning is kept to a minimum and your sleep to a maximum 

7- Have a go to healthy breakfast 

Even if we have the most leak proof system of getting to school on time, oftentimes we are confronted by the snooze button temptation. So just in case you unconsciously press it one too many times make sure you have a go to easy, fast and healthy breakfast so you don't end up grabbing a chocolate bar and starting your day the wrong way.

8- Pamper yourself 

Okay this is not for everyone. I'm personally a big fan of taking time for myself and just doing something I love to do. I find that most of the time I have a lot of activities after school and I tend to not have enough time to do something for myself. So every morning I do a little something for myself whether that's pampering my skin with a mask, or reading a couple of pages of a good book or doing some yoga. Anything really. And it doesn't have to be everyday. I find that this keeps me looking forward to my morning

That was it for this week.. Feedback is much appreciated as usual.

Feel free to share the post, that makes me very happy

Check out my last post: 

Don't confirm to conform

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For suggestions as to what you'd like to read next please let me know

Joyfully yours,

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Don't confirm to conform

To conform is to behave according to socially acceptable conventions or at least that's how it's defined in the dictionary of my iPhone.
We are all raised to express ourselves freely and to do what we love yet we live in a society that doesn't encourage that kind of behaviour.
It seems to me as though some people are perplexed by the fact that we don't all think and act alike. They fight individualism. To them it's almost impossible for anyone to not want the same things they do and it's this kind of people that makes others pay the price of being different and the price is quite expensive too. 
The doubts, the looks and most importantly the reassurance that you won't be able to make a difference. 
You pay the price for listening to your soul's cry for freedom, for following your heart and your path courageously, for not wanting to find yourself in a life that doesn't reflect who you are.
It takes a brave soul to resist the temptation of the approval of others.
It takes a strong heart to avoid giving oneself in small portions until there's nothing left to give .
It takes maturity to know you have at your command the greatest power known to man: the mind. 
"We are all victims victims we originate from generations that have struggled to know their value and we have inherited their confusion"(-Chris Micheals)
However we must learn to live yourselves unconditionally, to put ourselves first for this isn't selfishness that's self-respect.
Conformity to an extend can be useful but we must allow room for ourselves to do what we love and to be who we want to be. Instead of being modern slaves of society. Or else we'll find ourselves in a pool of regrets not knowing where our lives have gone. We must learn to stop longing for the safety and conservation we find in conformity and start yearning for the individualism that we so desperately need. It's in our names, we are individuals because we are different. And we should embrace that.

Inspired by the book: the power of you

That was it for this week.. Feedback is much appreciated as usual.

Check out my last post:

Auntie to be

Please like my Facebook page if you haven't already

For suggestions as to what you'd like to read next please let me know

Joyfully yours,