Thursday, August 13, 2015

Don't confirm to conform

To conform is to behave according to socially acceptable conventions or at least that's how it's defined in the dictionary of my iPhone.
We are all raised to express ourselves freely and to do what we love yet we live in a society that doesn't encourage that kind of behaviour.
It seems to me as though some people are perplexed by the fact that we don't all think and act alike. They fight individualism. To them it's almost impossible for anyone to not want the same things they do and it's this kind of people that makes others pay the price of being different and the price is quite expensive too. 
The doubts, the looks and most importantly the reassurance that you won't be able to make a difference. 
You pay the price for listening to your soul's cry for freedom, for following your heart and your path courageously, for not wanting to find yourself in a life that doesn't reflect who you are.
It takes a brave soul to resist the temptation of the approval of others.
It takes a strong heart to avoid giving oneself in small portions until there's nothing left to give .
It takes maturity to know you have at your command the greatest power known to man: the mind. 
"We are all victims victims we originate from generations that have struggled to know their value and we have inherited their confusion"(-Chris Micheals)
However we must learn to live yourselves unconditionally, to put ourselves first for this isn't selfishness that's self-respect.
Conformity to an extend can be useful but we must allow room for ourselves to do what we love and to be who we want to be. Instead of being modern slaves of society. Or else we'll find ourselves in a pool of regrets not knowing where our lives have gone. We must learn to stop longing for the safety and conservation we find in conformity and start yearning for the individualism that we so desperately need. It's in our names, we are individuals because we are different. And we should embrace that.

Inspired by the book: the power of you

That was it for this week.. Feedback is much appreciated as usual.

Check out my last post:

Auntie to be

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Joyfully yours,

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