Friday, November 7, 2014

Are you satisfied with the life you are living?

Today, I was in the car with my dad. We were having a nice conversation that was suddenly interrupted by an accident we saw. It was a young lady that had been run over by a car. Her head was covered in blood and people were running in her direction. It was rather clear that she had been killed. Now, accidents like that are not out of the norm here in Egypt. But this particular image of her was stuck in my head. I couldn’t begin to fathom how horrible her family would feel. I don’t even know her but it’s rather sad to see someone part from life at such a young age. Think about her hopes, her dreams and plans. All shattered in the blink of an eye. Just like that. Everything was gone in something we rarely give importance to, a second. Why don’t we, humans realize the value of something until it’s snatched from our hands? Even if it’s something as worthy as our own lives.Why are we all so caught up on our materialistic and pragmatic realities that we fail to recognize that we are only granted one life? As I have learned from the book “Tuesdays with Morrie” recommended to me by a friend of mine, what matters most are the small pleasures in life. We have to cherish them for they are bound to come to an end. Life is NOT short. I promise you it’s not. It is we, who insist on wasting the time we have. Life’s not a competition on who has the best car or who has the most friends. It’s a ride during which we encounter challenges. The way we face them shapes our personalities and defines us . The successes along the way drive us to have hopes, ambitious ones. We create ideologies, opinions and theories. If we are lucky we get to turn our dreams into reality. But there is never a guarantee.
Live out every second of your life. Do something with it. Dream, dream big. Reach for the stars and grab them. Make sure you put every single minute you’re given at use. No regrets.
"If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of"- Bruce Lee
By: Hanaa El Sammak

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I read this following the Jar. Let me start my comment this way: Could you, Hanaa, see/ guess/ understand why I find the previous Jar article a superior piece of writing to this ( which IS good, of courssse,) but to which I have some reservations??? Let's start with your attempt to answer this preliminary question, ok??? Yalla...
