Friday, November 14, 2014

The winner stands alone

As kids, we are always told that the things that matter most are chasing our dreams, voicing our opinions and implementing our ideas. We are taught to follow the universal values such as honesty, loyalty, respect and integrity. As we grow older we get exposed to other behaviors that by all means defy the way we have been brought up. We face situations where peer pressure can overcome the ideologies that our parents have worked hard on instilling in us.

Slowly, without realizing, some adapt to those behaviors and start regarding them as “normal”. They dive deep and lose their original values...
When others have already figured out their diverse in life, this group of people is caught up in that age and its’ thoughts.
Vulnerable adolescents become followers of a person or a group of people, lose so much of their identity, thoughts and individuality. The “fake” independence gets the best of them and gets them caught up on the very thought that they rule the future. The power to influence what is to come is used negatively. The structure of their personalities is messed up.

Others, get lost in the crowd and do that, what they see their friends doing but continue to hold on to their ways of thinking anyway. They face a struggle between following the values instilled in them or the group of friends they belong to and feel torn and shaken until they find the path they’d like to pursue in life.

On the other hand the minority grabs onto what they have been fed as children refusing to integrate the slightest bit. They are teased, somehow bullied and isolated. They either become idealistic and introverted or develop a psychological problem, not having lived out their teenage years.

It is those who manage to find the balance, those who are able to escape the bad influence without being isolated, that succeed in life. The ones that aren’t just told to follow the rules and values but have really soaked them and are fully convinced with them, that keep them.

At the end you need to find out the road you’d like to take in life, for your friends will not be the ones to blame if you fail to realize your dreams. When people speak of your successes and failures, your friends will not be mentioned, for the winner stands alone. Put your future and thoughts above everything else but it is mere social intelligence to be part of the friends your age, to become a part of society. Find the right balance.


The winner stands alone.

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