Friday, December 19, 2014

Perfectly imperfect

So this week's blog has a lot to do with the previous one I wrote which spoke of how everyone is special and one of a kind. Now, I found that many have trouble believing in themselves and their uniqueness.
This blog post is a 4-step guide, to help redirect you to your happy self whenever you feel down, drained or just lose that spark.

One of the most beneficial things one can do when in such a mood is reach out to someone, I know it sounds quite cheesy but it works. Talk to someone you trust, love and are comfortable around just to pour your heart out. There is a saying that sharing your sadness with the right people makes it less of a burden to carry. That way you'll leave room in your heart for the happiness and positive energy.

Another thing I have found to be effective is going for a brisk walk or jog as it releases any built up feelings and allows you to reflect on your life and really get to the root of your feelings.

It's important to pamper yourself by doing something you love. I personally feel refreshed after having given time to an activity I enjoy doing. It instantly lifts my mood and gets my mind off of things.

Lastly exercise GRATITUDE. This is a very important step. I want you to sit down, get a piece of paper and start listing blessings you're thankful for. Is it your family? Your heath? Your friends?. After completing your list just read it to yourself and remind yourself of how lucky you are.

Remember that you are a human, you're not perfect, you're perfectly imperfect. Give credit to yourself for doing your best even when you fail. Don't blame yourself because everything happens for a reason. Remind yourself that you are beautiful on the inside. Believe in your abilities and strengths while working on your weaknesses.

Ultimately I want you to look at your life as if you are the director of a movie. Choose every scene carefully and enjoy it. Others might criticize one of the scenes but the important thing is that YOU love the scene. At the end it's YOUR MOVIE. Likewise, love the life you are leading with all the ups and downs.

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