Thursday, December 25, 2014

That time of year..

It's that time of the year again. No, i'm not talking about the chocolates and sweets. I'm talking about the time where the spirit of joy, warmth and happiness is widely spread. Yes, it's christmas time. Now, I look forward to this celebration every year.
It's a great opportunity to give thanks to those who have impacted your life with little thoughtful presents. It's knowing that you are the reason behind their smile that is worth the effort. There is a chance to slow down from the fast pace the world is in and really enjoy and embrace the people you love and care about and see their happiness. You have a bit more patience and a bit less worries.
Let's take christmas as an opportunity to change for the better. To learn to enjoy the present moment and live in it. To not only give thanks to our family but our friends. After all, they support us and are there for us. 
What i want you to do this year, is choose a few people who have impacted your life greatly and write them a message saying thank you. Make sure they know that you wouldn't have been the same without them. It would brighten their day. Let me know how it goes. I know that together we'll be able to make the world a happier place

To everyone who celebrates christmas:
I wish you have a very merry christmas full of joy and smiles. I hope you get to see all your family and loved ones happy and healthy.

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