Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Aim

Here's the moment we've all been waiting for. The year is finally over and whether it has brought you happiness or sorrow it's in the past here is the thing about the past it's gone and over. It's merely a memory and although we cannot obsess over such tenacity it's important to reflect upon the past and learn from it."Life can only be understood backwards but it must be lived forwards" -Soren Kierkegaard.
The only guaranteed time we have on this planet is the present the "now" we need to make use of it. A few days ago I was conversing with my teacher when he told me that life back in the days used to be much simpler and people used to actually live as opposed to those who only "exist" nowadays he told me how he ,not having had a cellphone, used to visit his relatives and be much closer to his cousins than his children are or will ever be to theirs.  His description fascinated me and really inspired me to live life fully. I realize that one's life has to be lived meaningfully and set the aim for myself to try my best to do just that. To live in the infinite present and really put my heart into every second of it.
For 2015 I want to set a goal to indulge in reading beautifully written books, listening to soft music, eating nutritious food and disconnecting my working out. I really just want to enjoy all the pleasures of life (while of course taking care of all my duties). I strongly advise you to do the same for life is short to stress about anything.

Happy new year. I hope 2015 will be a ray of sunshine upon you and your loved ones.

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