And there she was, standing in the rain at midnight. Hoping that maybe the raindrops would wash away her tears and that her soul would rise the way the sun does every morning. See, she knew that the rain always had a better story to tell, but not tonight, tonight her chaotic thoughts clouded the sound of rain and thunder. She was drowning in her mind.
Her soul whispered to her to wait for the rainbow after the storm but her mind refused to believe she'll ever be happy again. She waited for a miracle to happen, a miracle that would make her forget about the past, but it never came. See, this is the thing about us humans, we wait for someone or something else to be the miracle but we never look within ourselves. And as the sun came up her eyes saluted the exquisite view and she walked back inside feeling broken. Her heart was envious of the birds chirping in delight. She longed for happiness and a sense of fulfilment and that's when she realised that her prince charming isn't going to come knocking on her door and offer to mend her already shattered heart. She realised that this life will hit you, hard. But getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air. And yeah, there will be days when your boots will fill with water and the rain will shower you with sadness but those are the days when you have all the more reasons to say thank you because there is nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to kiss the shoreline no matter how many times it's sent away. She finally understood that this world is made of sugar, it can crumble so easily but she shouldn't be afraid to taste it. She realised that she loved the stars far too much to lower her eyes at night and wait for the rain to wash away her pain. And that's when she started to live.
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