Friday, April 10, 2015

My Idol

I haven't had the privilege of seeing him but they told me so much about him. They told me that he was born with the most unique eyes that sparkled with intelligence and purity reflecting his beautiful soul. They told me about the way he saw poems written on the sky where we saw mountains. And his heart, his heart shone love, acceptance and warmth onto those around him. They told me about the way he loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night. See, he was only afraid of his Creator. No, they didn't forget to tell me about how he remaind merciful and humble in times of strength even with those who have wronged him. His manners were flawless and his optimism was always present. He valued the kind of gold that glittered and guided people to the light in a world of darkness. He was the kind of person you'd go until the ends of the earth for, and continues to be. They told me about his wisdom and fairness. He is my idol and my role model, for everything he is.

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