Friday, June 26, 2015

Summer Bucketlist

Summer is the time students get holiday which is a big load off. After a very stressful year full of hard work we tend to want to indulge in some laziness by binge watching TV while eating pizza and popcorn. Don't deny it.

 And before we know it summer has almost come to an end and it's time to go back to school. 

This year I wanna do something different. To make summer of 2015 memorable I am going to write down 10 things I want to do this summer. And document them as I do them whether that's through taking polaroid pictures or writing a few sentences about the experience.

These can be as simple or as courageous as you want them to be.

So without further ado here is my summer bucket list

1-Relax in the sun
I just want to take my time and savour the beautiful sunlight and reflect on all the blessings I have in my life

2-Don't use your phone for 3 days straight 
This one's going to be hard but well worth it.. As an internet lover it will be quite difficult to part ways with my most used device but connecting with the world and plugging out of online life will give me the opportunity to live more fully

3-Have a nice yoga session
I absolutely love yoga. It's so freeing and relaxing but I rarely have time during the school year to have a full on intense yoga session so this summer I'll  have nothing to stop me

No, i don't look like that in yoga

More like this

4-Go to the movies
Yes, as cheesy as this sounds. It's been a while since I've seen a good movie. Not one of those chick flicks or classic egyptian comedy rather a more of a blockbuster

5-Have a sleepover
I absolutely love sleepovers! There's just something about late night conversations that's so deep. I've already started planning a sleep over with two of my favorite people over a frozen sing a long movie 

6-Start mind-storming for your book
Possibly being a very personal part of my bucket list. One of my biggest dreams is writing a book. And so the mere thought of it is extremely freeing and exciting

7-Watch the sun rise
One of the most beautiful things happens every morning yet most of the audience still sleeps. I want to set my alarm real early and meditate.

8-Carve something onto a tree
Yeah, i'm just that random

Okay maybe not that good

9-Donate money to a medical cause
And I encourage everyone to do the same. No matter how small the donation is, you have no idea how big of a difference it can make.

10- Try something new
I wanted to keep the last one open. If you have any suggestions or thoughts i'd be happy to hear them. I'm up for an adventure.

That was it for this week. I hope you enjoyed my little list. If you have any requests for future posts i'd love to hear them. If you make your own list or try some of the things on mine please send me pictures or tell me about it.

Other than that please like my facebook page if you haven't already:

I hope you have a blessed week

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The holy month

The holy month is upon us.
A magnificent time of the year that I patiently wait for.
Not only does it purify my soul and enrich my mind but it gives me a sense of warmth, safety and relief.
I have to say that lately I have been noticing that people's hearts are ill and impure. More often than not their eyes shine with envy and resentfulness. And I really can't process this. It's surreal to me that people can't be happy for one another, genuinely, intensely and purely happy. Rather they sink deep within their soul draining comparisons. And I really don't get it what's the point of having everything that money can buy when your soul is the only thing
 stays behind. It's the way your presence lit up a room and the way you gave to others not the way you got. Because nowadays you can be the moon but still be jealous of the stars.

I find Ramadan to be the best detox. It removes all the impurities from the soul, mind, heart and body. It gives a sense of fulfilment and reinforces the concept of fully handing yourself over to the Creator. The month that allows your eyes to look beyond the body and see the beauty of the soul. A month of self control and focused practising of your devotion.
Not to forget the spirit within the family and friends, the Ramadan gatherings that just warm your heart up,
the little kids singing Ramadan songs while waving with their lanterns and the shows that air on TV. It's just an incredible time to recharge and re-energise yourself and I couldn't be happier that it's finally here. 

For all those who celebrate Ramadan I hope you have a blessed holy month. 

As for the ones who don't, I hope I was able to give you a glimpse inside one of my absolute favourite months of the year.

Please like my Facebook page if you haven't already:

If you have anything in mind as to what you'd like to read next please let me know😇

*requested upload*

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Types of people in summer

There's no denying that summer is already here. The beach, the parties, the fun, and the friends are just a few of those things we associate with summer…

 So in celebration of it I thought I would show you types of the people we come across during summer

1-The ones with the new found freedom
These people never escape any opportunity they get to go out of the house.. They liven up every party..

Those are the people you will most probably end up making memories with

2- The 'on fleek' squad
 Where ever they are you will see them dressed to the maximum. Don't get me wrong everyone has the right to wear what they want but 5 inch heels at a pool party seems a bit much

3- The perfect summer body
 Yes, I get it… You have perfectly sculpted arms and the most toned abs.. But please refrain from making everyone else feel like a potato..

4- The photogenic goddesses
 These girls have the prettiest pictures…they just have a talent for looking like Victoria's Secret models.. effortlessly beautiful.. Oddly enough these people tend to be very insecure

5- The mean girls 3 squad
 They know exactly how to play  someone and make it come off as a casual incident.. If you know what's good for you you'll steer clear of them..

6- The desperatly trying to fit in
 You can refer to them as the nerds of summer.. They don't know what they're doing which gives them a reputation of being clumsy and awkward.. 

Yeah, what are you going to do about it?

7- The spray tan gone wrong
 Now that it's the beginning of summer everyone wants to be the golden goddess. And pursuit of that people spray tan.. Sometimes it's not such a good idea though..

It can end up like this:

Or like this:

Either way it's not pretty

8- The 'I can't even' people
I seriously doubt that some of these people are secretly the Kardashians… The amount of drama in their life sometimes scares me..

But seriously though I hope you have a great summer… Don't worry about any of this and just enjoy..

That was it for this week… It's a bit different from what I would usually do so let me know if you liked it and if you could relate.. 

Please like my Facebook page if you haven't already ess

For suggestions as to what you'd like to read next please let me know

Sunday, June 7, 2015


Laying on her bed she started thinking about life. Her thoughts racing. She was saddened by the realisation that it will hit you, hard and wait for you to stand back up to drag you down again. But if it's all horrible then why? Why do we hold onto it? Her sadness quickly turned into laughs as she understood the complexity of humans. We all complain about situations are put in and apparently no matter what happens nobody seems satisfied. It looks as though humans have turned into greedy creatures. 

She took her life into perspective, she was healthy, surrounded by her loved ones and had a roof over her head. Instantly she realised that she was richer than she ever thought she was. Closing her eyes to the stillness she took a moment to be thankful for everything in her life that she takes for granted. She was even thankful for the fact that she still had a reason to hold onto life. And through the darkness her soul found heavenly light. Deep within she found stillness and tranquillity. And for once her wild heart was tamed.