Saturday, June 20, 2015

The holy month

The holy month is upon us.
A magnificent time of the year that I patiently wait for.
Not only does it purify my soul and enrich my mind but it gives me a sense of warmth, safety and relief.
I have to say that lately I have been noticing that people's hearts are ill and impure. More often than not their eyes shine with envy and resentfulness. And I really can't process this. It's surreal to me that people can't be happy for one another, genuinely, intensely and purely happy. Rather they sink deep within their soul draining comparisons. And I really don't get it what's the point of having everything that money can buy when your soul is the only thing
 stays behind. It's the way your presence lit up a room and the way you gave to others not the way you got. Because nowadays you can be the moon but still be jealous of the stars.

I find Ramadan to be the best detox. It removes all the impurities from the soul, mind, heart and body. It gives a sense of fulfilment and reinforces the concept of fully handing yourself over to the Creator. The month that allows your eyes to look beyond the body and see the beauty of the soul. A month of self control and focused practising of your devotion.
Not to forget the spirit within the family and friends, the Ramadan gatherings that just warm your heart up,
the little kids singing Ramadan songs while waving with their lanterns and the shows that air on TV. It's just an incredible time to recharge and re-energise yourself and I couldn't be happier that it's finally here. 

For all those who celebrate Ramadan I hope you have a blessed holy month. 

As for the ones who don't, I hope I was able to give you a glimpse inside one of my absolute favourite months of the year.

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If you have anything in mind as to what you'd like to read next please let me know😇

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