So in celebration of it I thought I would show you types of the people we come across during summer
1-The ones with the new found freedom
These people never escape any opportunity they get to go out of the house.. They liven up every party..
2- The 'on fleek' squad
Where ever they are you will see them dressed to the maximum. Don't get me wrong everyone has the right to wear what they want but 5 inch heels at a pool party seems a bit much
3- The perfect summer body
Yes, I get it… You have perfectly sculpted arms and the most toned abs.. But please refrain from making everyone else feel like a potato..
4- The photogenic goddesses
These girls have the prettiest pictures…they just have a talent for looking like Victoria's Secret models.. effortlessly beautiful.. Oddly enough these people tend to be very insecure
5- The mean girls 3 squad
They know exactly how to play someone and make it come off as a casual incident.. If you know what's good for you you'll steer clear of them..
6- The desperatly trying to fit in
You can refer to them as the nerds of summer.. They don't know what they're doing which gives them a reputation of being clumsy and awkward..
Yeah, what are you going to do about it?
7- The spray tan gone wrong
Now that it's the beginning of summer everyone wants to be the golden goddess. And pursuit of that people spray tan.. Sometimes it's not such a good idea though..
It can end up like this:
Or like this:
Either way it's not pretty
8- The 'I can't even' people
I seriously doubt that some of these people are secretly the Kardashians… The amount of drama in their life sometimes scares me..
But seriously though I hope you have a great summer… Don't worry about any of this and just enjoy..
That was it for this week… It's a bit different from what I would usually do so let me know if you liked it and if you could relate..
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