Sunday, September 6, 2015

10 struggles DSBians know too well

 If you are a student of the DSB in Alexandria you'll typically relate to the following

1- Schwester Claudia's uniform complaints

She has a talent in catching every single mistake in your uniform regardless of how fast you run to avoid getting caught. I think we can all agree on the fact that we drive her crazy however she has one of the kindest hearts you'll come across.

2- The shift

You know you've grown up when you're in the part of the school that doesn't sing the national anthem in the morning. At some point you will hear classes one through eight singing at the top of their lungs while the rest of the school silently stares into blank space.

3- Tick Tock

While some teacher's exams are very easy others result in sleepless nights in fear of the next day. And rightly so, because they just feel like you're reading Chinese regardless of how much you studied. And honestly speaking hearing the tick-tock of the clock right next to you doesn't help the situation.

4- Feeling like Justin bieber in class

Justin Bieber's new hit 'what do you mean' literally describes everyone of us in class. Sometimes the teacher keeps talking and talking and your confusion is clearly evident when you ask: what do you mean? What are you even talking about? 

5- You're all grown up now

I got the speech in fifth seventh ninth and 10th grade teachers just seem to magically think that we will transform into adults during the two months of summer people we're only 2 months older. Get over it. However it is quite nice to be treated as an adult for once.

6- The 'rule book'

If you've been here long enough you would know that the main rule at school is that there are no rules. Each teacher makes their own and goes about their way like that.

7- The Kurzteste

They drive us crazy. It's not enough that I have so much on my plate already but out of all the weeks you pick the one week I have three exams in to place your surprise quiz. And it works because I'm surprised every time.

8- The senior train

Every year around may and June seniors  start to party during breaks and run in forms of trains and throw candy around to celebrate coming to an end of their school journey. And while we are all so happy for them we can't help but silently cry at our own misery.

9- 9th grade battle

With number nine I had to mention the ninth-grade battle .this is not to underestimate any other grades but the ninth grade is HARD. Whether you want Abitur or FOS. 
It's that age where you want to go out and have fun but you're so stressed out at school that it's nearly impossible to even breathe. your self-discipline is being put to the test every single day. 

10- The morning wishes.

Regardless of which door are you come through in the morning you are always greeted with genuine and heartfelt morning wishes. The door staff is just very nice and caring.

All jokes aside and I wouldn't trade the school for the world and I think the amount of life and curriculum related lessons that we learn is just impeccable. And regardless of how horrid, stressful and seriously unforgiving it is you come out being one of a kind. Special thanks to all of the teachers have had throughout my school journey so far they've all contributed to my growth in so many ways

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