Thursday, September 10, 2015

7 things to do when you're bored

7 things to do when you're bored

We all get those moments of being so bored that you almost go out of your mind! And although Napping, watching movies are eating are a holy grail that I can't deny loving they're aren't productive.. 
So without further ado here's a list of things that would actually make use of your time

1- Search online

Online surfing as classified by our parents is very 'time consuming' and rightfully so, we usually waste our time on social media websites that don't benefit us however the internet can be quite interesting and thought provoking 
Here's a list of things you could search for when bored:

1- Why do identical twins have different fingerprints?
2- Why do I feel cold when I have fever?
3- how to use hot drinks to cool down?
4- what is a hiccup?
5- What colours our skin?

2- Paint your keys

I'm one of those people that always messes up while using keys. A quick fix is to paint your keys different colours using nail polish. That way you'll associate the place with the colour.


Boredom can get you to be very down, not wanting to do anything. To easily escape this go on a quick run/jog. Whatever floats your boat. That way you'll be active and have a bit of a mood change.

4- Bake some cupcakes

I sometimes like to do this when I'm bored. I like to bake some cupcakes for my family. It's always a nice gesture and I generally enjoy myself while baking.
Here's an easy recipe:

If you're not much of a baking type then:

Crush 2-3 packets of oreos in a blender and add half of a cup of pastry cream and blend.
Form your now thick oreos into small balls and freeze them for 15 minutes on a baking sheet. Then add nutella and sprikles on each for garnish.

You're welcome in advance

5- Write down your goals

Being bored means you've lost focus. Seeing your goals physically laid out on a piece of paper helps motivate you to get out there and pursue them.

6- Be thoughtful

Send some friends with whom you've been distant a nice message. It's a simple way to draw smiles on their faces and will help you reconnect.

7- watch buzzfeed videos

They are hilarious and insanely relatable. I love how short they are so you are always able to follow up on different subjects in one sitting. Definitely a favourite.

That was it for this week, I hope you found it helpful or could relate in some way.

I want to thank you all for 1500 reads in less than 24 hours as well as 18+ shares on the last blogpost. 
If you haven't read it yet:

10 struggles DSBians know too well

As usual, all feedback is very much appreciated (positive and negative)
If you have any requests as to what you'd like to read next, let me know. 

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Other than that I hope you've had a lovely week.

Joyfully yours,

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