It's beautiful outside, the sun is shining and the streets are empty (not only because it's a friday). Yes, it's Eid. If you're not familiar with the concept of Eid Al Adha it's a muslim feast where we slaughter sheep to give meat to the poor who can't afford it. This festival commemorates Ibrahim's (Abraham)
willingness to sacrifice his son to God. This festival also marks the
end of the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca
BUT here in egypt there are usually a few 'typical egyptian' behaviours that accompany Eid.
So without further ado, here's a list of things that egyptians will know too well about Eid
1- Lebs El Eid

I don't care how old you are, the new clothes you wear on Eid morning light your day. It's a different feeling.
And somehow you end up feeling like this
2- El 3edeya
I think this is a national favorite. No one is ever too old for a 3edeya. The second day of Eid everyone seems to avoid public hotspots like Carrefour/ San Stefano and all cinemas just because they're always crowded with kids and their freshly handed out 3edeya.
3- The Sa7el Craze
Ever since eid has come during summer people seem to head out to sa7elor some type of beach, and honestly you can't blame anyone, our beaches are absolutely gorgeous. You wouldn't miss the opportunity to go to any one of them
4- The family gatherings
We're a warm society that gathers during times of happiness and joy. Sometime around Eid the entire family gathers for a nice meal and some catching up. This is one of the best times of eid and the one that egyptians abroad miss the most. The spirit and laughter is over the roof.
P.S. this is where most 3edeya handouts happen ;)
5- The best smilles
Eid is literally one of the few occasions where you walk around seeing happy and satisfied faces occupying a once frowning city. People feel fulfilled and joyous and the positive vibes are radiating everywhere.
6- Eid prayer
Eid prayer is powerful. When you see this many people gathered to do the same thing, with the same goal and the same intention, it's powerful. The harmony and union of people with different social backgrounds and ideologies is beautiful. It really is. And I believe that prayer with others is one of the most beautiful things you can see because each person has a different way of thinking yet all come together on their love for God.
This leaves me speechless every time
That was it for this blog, for all those who celebrate eid, i wish you a blessed one and may it bring God's mercy into your house
That was it for this blog.
P.S. Expect a few more than usual the next while
Tell me what Eid is for you
If you have any requests for future posts i'd love to hear them.
Other than that please like my facebook page if you haven't already:
And read last week's blog if you haven't already
I hope you have a blessed week