Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Aim

Here's the moment we've all been waiting for. The year is finally over and whether it has brought you happiness or sorrow it's in the past here is the thing about the past it's gone and over. It's merely a memory and although we cannot obsess over such tenacity it's important to reflect upon the past and learn from it."Life can only be understood backwards but it must be lived forwards" -Soren Kierkegaard.
The only guaranteed time we have on this planet is the present the "now" we need to make use of it. A few days ago I was conversing with my teacher when he told me that life back in the days used to be much simpler and people used to actually live as opposed to those who only "exist" nowadays he told me how he ,not having had a cellphone, used to visit his relatives and be much closer to his cousins than his children are or will ever be to theirs.  His description fascinated me and really inspired me to live life fully. I realize that one's life has to be lived meaningfully and set the aim for myself to try my best to do just that. To live in the infinite present and really put my heart into every second of it.
For 2015 I want to set a goal to indulge in reading beautifully written books, listening to soft music, eating nutritious food and disconnecting my working out. I really just want to enjoy all the pleasures of life (while of course taking care of all my duties). I strongly advise you to do the same for life is short to stress about anything.

Happy new year. I hope 2015 will be a ray of sunshine upon you and your loved ones.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

That time of year..

It's that time of the year again. No, i'm not talking about the chocolates and sweets. I'm talking about the time where the spirit of joy, warmth and happiness is widely spread. Yes, it's christmas time. Now, I look forward to this celebration every year.
It's a great opportunity to give thanks to those who have impacted your life with little thoughtful presents. It's knowing that you are the reason behind their smile that is worth the effort. There is a chance to slow down from the fast pace the world is in and really enjoy and embrace the people you love and care about and see their happiness. You have a bit more patience and a bit less worries.
Let's take christmas as an opportunity to change for the better. To learn to enjoy the present moment and live in it. To not only give thanks to our family but our friends. After all, they support us and are there for us. 
What i want you to do this year, is choose a few people who have impacted your life greatly and write them a message saying thank you. Make sure they know that you wouldn't have been the same without them. It would brighten their day. Let me know how it goes. I know that together we'll be able to make the world a happier place

To everyone who celebrates christmas:
I wish you have a very merry christmas full of joy and smiles. I hope you get to see all your family and loved ones happy and healthy.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Perfectly imperfect

So this week's blog has a lot to do with the previous one I wrote which spoke of how everyone is special and one of a kind. Now, I found that many have trouble believing in themselves and their uniqueness.
This blog post is a 4-step guide, to help redirect you to your happy self whenever you feel down, drained or just lose that spark.

One of the most beneficial things one can do when in such a mood is reach out to someone, I know it sounds quite cheesy but it works. Talk to someone you trust, love and are comfortable around just to pour your heart out. There is a saying that sharing your sadness with the right people makes it less of a burden to carry. That way you'll leave room in your heart for the happiness and positive energy.

Another thing I have found to be effective is going for a brisk walk or jog as it releases any built up feelings and allows you to reflect on your life and really get to the root of your feelings.

It's important to pamper yourself by doing something you love. I personally feel refreshed after having given time to an activity I enjoy doing. It instantly lifts my mood and gets my mind off of things.

Lastly exercise GRATITUDE. This is a very important step. I want you to sit down, get a piece of paper and start listing blessings you're thankful for. Is it your family? Your heath? Your friends?. After completing your list just read it to yourself and remind yourself of how lucky you are.

Remember that you are a human, you're not perfect, you're perfectly imperfect. Give credit to yourself for doing your best even when you fail. Don't blame yourself because everything happens for a reason. Remind yourself that you are beautiful on the inside. Believe in your abilities and strengths while working on your weaknesses.

Ultimately I want you to look at your life as if you are the director of a movie. Choose every scene carefully and enjoy it. Others might criticize one of the scenes but the important thing is that YOU love the scene. At the end it's YOUR MOVIE. Likewise, love the life you are leading with all the ups and downs.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

What makes you special?

Like fingerprints and snowflakes none of them are the same, each one of them is unique, just like you. We all look in the mirror everyday. I'm sure you do too. What do you see? Maybe you see a person who can make others smile no matter the situation, or someone whose eye colour is extraordinarily beautiful and maybe even someone who dreams big. They're all aspects that make you one of a kind

A friend of mine once told me to always do my own thing. To never go with the flow or else i'll be too mainstream. It's very important to embrace the part of your personality that differentiates you from all other people. The part that makes you stand out.
Work on personalizing your belongings and leaving your fingerprint behind on everything you use.

Now one final point is to always look at your positives and strengths. We, human beings are very critical and can often be quick to judge ourselves. I want to shed light on the fact that every aspect of your appearance and personality whether good or bad is beautiful, because it shapes you to be the person you are. You wouldn't be the same if it weren't for your flaws so choose to look at them positively and embrace them.

"Embrace your weirdness"~ Cara Delevigne