Friday, November 20, 2015

All former fat kids out there

The struggles of a former fat kid

I can confidently say that I am at a point in my life where I am truly happy with who I am.

This however, was not always the case. I know that a lot of people struggled with having been 'the fat kid' and could definitely relate to so much of what I'm going to say. Needless to say, the most important thing is being happy with yourself. Social pressures can cause us to develop very disrupted images of ourselves at an early age which lead to the following:

To start off, The comments:

Oh my God, the comments! When you tell me that 'I was so fat' it's not a compliment. It's basically like saying 'I've been lying to your face' and it gets to you the same way it did when you were younger, just because you still have that little fat kid inside of you. 

It's not really former

You sometimes don't feel confident enough to call yourself a former fat kid. It's all just really fresh in your mind and it doesn't seem to go away

Do I really need to mention the diets?

The social pressure of being 'thin' is ginormous. Notice how I said thin and not healthy, see healthy weight loss is very rare. The thing is that kids shouldn't really worry about society. They should just maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. However whenever you go to a nutritionist or in other words 'دكتور دايت' (who is clearly not certified) you are given the most unrealistic plans that make you end up hating your life. I know I've had my fair share of yo-yo dieting. 
Which leads us to the next point.

You know a lot about nutrition and weight loss

You've probably had a lot of trial and error which means you kind of understand the way your body works. I personally used to read a lot about adequate caloric intake, benefits of foods, chemical structure of macronutrients etc. at the age of 10.

You've had your share of bad coaches

When you're young you have authority figures that can really mess up how you perceive yourself. These people can hinder all of the progress that you can make. From working extra hard to just being plain over it, I know you too have had your share of bad coaches

You can relate to every fat little kid

Oftentimes people make fun of fat children or at least comment on their weight. You just feel an obligation to defend that kid, even if it wasn't really a big deal.

That was it for this week.
I hope you have a great week

Joyfully yours,

Friday, October 23, 2015

1 year blog anniversary

Today, 23 October 2015 marks my 1 year anniversary for starting to write this blog. This year has been a journey of ups and downs but ultimately one of growth. I've learned a lot.
I can proudly say that I've grown my community to 935 regular readers.
In honor of this occasion I thought I'd tell you why it is that I write.
Right when I thought of this idea, I picked up my pencil and paper, something I do on a regular basis and found myself at a loss for words. Why do I write? I write for so many reasons!
I write because I'm in love with the world in my head, all the ideas, hopes and dreams that I have. I share it with everyone in hopes that someone will read it and feel better about themselves or feel empowered or motivated. I write to explore the universe in my head. It gives me a rare opportunity to get closer to my fears and figure myself out. Writing has made me realize that I'm both the person I'm terrified of and obsessed with. It's crazy how strong and yet how vulnerable writing can make me feel. It makes me kinder, more graceful and more empathetic. And here's the thing about empathy, in order to relate and connect with the core of another person, you have to first connect with your own, writing helps me get to my core.
I write because I believe in my passion. I have a strong urge within me to grow and articulate. I write because ignoring that passion is slow suicide. Words make my heart skip a beat. They possess a certain power that nothing else does and I want to use that power to motivate and inspire. I write because I want to bring out the best in people just like my passion brings out the best in me. 
I write because I believe in the beauty of words that enlightens my soul. I've always wanted words, they light an inextinguishable fire in my mind. Words have the power to soften the hardest of hearts and strengthen the weakest of them. They can move mountains and break walls, I write because I believe in that power, I feel that power.
I write because I live and breathe words.

Thank you for your love and support, I hope you have a lovely week!

Joyfully yours,

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Struggles of being a girl in the Egyptian streets

Hello there my lovely readers! I hope you're having a great day!
Now, being a girl in Egypt is not particularly easy to say the least.Even the smallest of activities like walking on the street can get pretty intense.

1- The adrenaline

I don't care how often you walk in the streets, whenever you are confronted by any person particularly a man you feel a little threatened and suddenly everything you do has the same purpose: getting away of this stranger.

This is not because they're bad, most of the time it's just an innocent person walking in the streets but the stories that circulate are enough to intimidate you.

2- The looks

The looks you are given by the random guys walking about the streets are painful. Regardless of what you're wearing, you cannot avoid them. You feel violated and helpless almost. " Look straight ahead" you say to yourself. "don't give them the satisfaction of acknowledgement"

3-The insecurities

While you're on your way your eyes are focused on all of your surroundings. To take everything in and make calculated moves. It's not easy.

4- The Countdown

You find yourself constantly thinking about your route and how much is left for you to arrive, whether that's a short walk to your car or a long one to your house. You're always calculating how much you have to go until you arrive.

5- The watch

You are always aware of how your clothes are moving and where you place your valuable items (e.g. Watch; phone etc.) You are aware of who is behind you at all times. 

That was it this post. And it gets kind of sad, walking in your own country surrounded by people who speak your language but you're scared. 

If you have any requests for future posts i'd love to hear them.

Other than that please like my facebook page if you haven't already:
And follow my second account on Instagram : @hanaameanshappiness

And read last week's blog if you haven't already
All feedback is much appreciated
I hope you have a great week

Joyfully yours,

Friday, September 25, 2015

6 things Egyptians know too well about Eid

 It's beautiful outside, the sun is shining and the streets are empty (not only because it's a friday). Yes, it's Eid. If you're not familiar with the concept of Eid Al Adha it's a muslim feast where we slaughter sheep to give meat to the poor who can't afford it. This festival commemorates Ibrahim's (Abraham) willingness to sacrifice his son to God. This festival also marks the end of the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca
BUT here in egypt there are usually a few 'typical egyptian' behaviours that accompany Eid.
So without further ado, here's a list of things that egyptians will know too well about Eid


1- Lebs El Eid

I don't care how old you are,  the new clothes you wear on Eid morning light your day. It's a different feeling.
And somehow you end up feeling like this

2- El 3edeya

I think this is a national favorite. No one is ever too old for a 3edeya. The second day of Eid everyone seems to avoid public hotspots like Carrefour/ San Stefano and all cinemas just because they're always crowded with kids and their freshly handed out 3edeya.

3- The Sa7el Craze
 Ever since eid has come during summer people seem to head out to sa7elor some type of beach, and honestly you can't blame anyone, our beaches are absolutely gorgeous. You wouldn't miss the opportunity to go to any one of them

4- The family gatherings

We're a warm society that gathers during times of happiness and joy. Sometime around Eid the entire family gathers for a nice meal and some catching up. This is one of the best times of eid and the one that egyptians abroad miss the most. The spirit and laughter is over the roof.
P.S. this is where most 3edeya handouts happen ;)

5-  The best smilles

Eid is literally one of the few occasions where you walk around seeing happy and satisfied faces occupying a once frowning city. People feel fulfilled and joyous and the positive vibes are radiating everywhere.

6- Eid prayer

Eid prayer is powerful. When you see this many people gathered to do the same thing, with the same goal and the same intention, it's powerful. The harmony and union of people with different social backgrounds and ideologies is beautiful. It really is. And I believe that prayer with others is one of the most beautiful things you can see because each person has a different way of thinking yet all come together on their love for God.
This leaves me speechless every time

That was it for this blog, for all those who celebrate eid, i wish you a blessed one and may it bring God's mercy into your house

That was it for this blog.
P.S. Expect a few more than usual the next while
 Tell me what Eid is for you

If you have any requests for future posts i'd love to hear them.

Other than that please like my facebook page if you haven't already:

And read last week's blog if you haven't already

I hope you have a blessed week

Thursday, September 10, 2015

7 things to do when you're bored

7 things to do when you're bored

We all get those moments of being so bored that you almost go out of your mind! And although Napping, watching movies are eating are a holy grail that I can't deny loving they're aren't productive.. 
So without further ado here's a list of things that would actually make use of your time

1- Search online

Online surfing as classified by our parents is very 'time consuming' and rightfully so, we usually waste our time on social media websites that don't benefit us however the internet can be quite interesting and thought provoking 
Here's a list of things you could search for when bored:

1- Why do identical twins have different fingerprints?
2- Why do I feel cold when I have fever?
3- how to use hot drinks to cool down?
4- what is a hiccup?
5- What colours our skin?

2- Paint your keys

I'm one of those people that always messes up while using keys. A quick fix is to paint your keys different colours using nail polish. That way you'll associate the place with the colour.


Boredom can get you to be very down, not wanting to do anything. To easily escape this go on a quick run/jog. Whatever floats your boat. That way you'll be active and have a bit of a mood change.

4- Bake some cupcakes

I sometimes like to do this when I'm bored. I like to bake some cupcakes for my family. It's always a nice gesture and I generally enjoy myself while baking.
Here's an easy recipe:

If you're not much of a baking type then:

Crush 2-3 packets of oreos in a blender and add half of a cup of pastry cream and blend.
Form your now thick oreos into small balls and freeze them for 15 minutes on a baking sheet. Then add nutella and sprikles on each for garnish.

You're welcome in advance

5- Write down your goals

Being bored means you've lost focus. Seeing your goals physically laid out on a piece of paper helps motivate you to get out there and pursue them.

6- Be thoughtful

Send some friends with whom you've been distant a nice message. It's a simple way to draw smiles on their faces and will help you reconnect.

7- watch buzzfeed videos

They are hilarious and insanely relatable. I love how short they are so you are always able to follow up on different subjects in one sitting. Definitely a favourite.

That was it for this week, I hope you found it helpful or could relate in some way.

I want to thank you all for 1500 reads in less than 24 hours as well as 18+ shares on the last blogpost. 
If you haven't read it yet:

10 struggles DSBians know too well

As usual, all feedback is very much appreciated (positive and negative)
If you have any requests as to what you'd like to read next, let me know. 

Like and share my Facebook page if you haven't already:

Other than that I hope you've had a lovely week.

Joyfully yours,

Sunday, September 6, 2015

10 struggles DSBians know too well

 If you are a student of the DSB in Alexandria you'll typically relate to the following

1- Schwester Claudia's uniform complaints

She has a talent in catching every single mistake in your uniform regardless of how fast you run to avoid getting caught. I think we can all agree on the fact that we drive her crazy however she has one of the kindest hearts you'll come across.

2- The shift

You know you've grown up when you're in the part of the school that doesn't sing the national anthem in the morning. At some point you will hear classes one through eight singing at the top of their lungs while the rest of the school silently stares into blank space.

3- Tick Tock

While some teacher's exams are very easy others result in sleepless nights in fear of the next day. And rightly so, because they just feel like you're reading Chinese regardless of how much you studied. And honestly speaking hearing the tick-tock of the clock right next to you doesn't help the situation.

4- Feeling like Justin bieber in class

Justin Bieber's new hit 'what do you mean' literally describes everyone of us in class. Sometimes the teacher keeps talking and talking and your confusion is clearly evident when you ask: what do you mean? What are you even talking about? 

5- You're all grown up now

I got the speech in fifth seventh ninth and 10th grade teachers just seem to magically think that we will transform into adults during the two months of summer people we're only 2 months older. Get over it. However it is quite nice to be treated as an adult for once.

6- The 'rule book'

If you've been here long enough you would know that the main rule at school is that there are no rules. Each teacher makes their own and goes about their way like that.

7- The Kurzteste

They drive us crazy. It's not enough that I have so much on my plate already but out of all the weeks you pick the one week I have three exams in to place your surprise quiz. And it works because I'm surprised every time.

8- The senior train

Every year around may and June seniors  start to party during breaks and run in forms of trains and throw candy around to celebrate coming to an end of their school journey. And while we are all so happy for them we can't help but silently cry at our own misery.

9- 9th grade battle

With number nine I had to mention the ninth-grade battle .this is not to underestimate any other grades but the ninth grade is HARD. Whether you want Abitur or FOS. 
It's that age where you want to go out and have fun but you're so stressed out at school that it's nearly impossible to even breathe. your self-discipline is being put to the test every single day. 

10- The morning wishes.

Regardless of which door are you come through in the morning you are always greeted with genuine and heartfelt morning wishes. The door staff is just very nice and caring.

All jokes aside and I wouldn't trade the school for the world and I think the amount of life and curriculum related lessons that we learn is just impeccable. And regardless of how horrid, stressful and seriously unforgiving it is you come out being one of a kind. Special thanks to all of the teachers have had throughout my school journey so far they've all contributed to my growth in so many ways

Monday, August 24, 2015

Morning hacks you wish you knew #back2school

Here's to back to school season. The sun is up, it's a beautiful day and we're all school ready.         
                     NOT REALLY
We all know that this is not even humanly possible. So here are a few hacks to make your morning suck a little less.

1- Put your phone in a glass cup

Especially for the first few days of school we're all still used to sleeping in. Putting your phone in a cup amplifies the sound of your alarm forcing you to wake up

2- HYDRATE before you caffeinate

My health conscious self had to add this in. Drinking a big glass of water right when you wake up not only refreshes your senses but cleans your system leaving you energised and ready for the day. Do this before drinking your coffee/tea. Now, I don't drink coffee at all because it dehydrates your body and adds unnecessary caffeine. But if you absolutely have to have it then moderately and after having water in your system.

3- Make a playlist

Make a morning playlist that is as long as you need for getting ready. That way you won't be late and you'll know exactly how much time you have left. Add in your favourite upbeat music to have a positive attitude at the beginning of the day.

Here's mine:
Good for you- Selena Gomez ft. A$AP Rocky
Photograph- Ed Sheeran
Cool for the summer- Demi Lovato
Sound of your heart- Shawn Hook
Stitches (acoustic)- Shawn Mendes ft. Hailee Steinfield
The Hills- The weeknd
Papercut- Zedd ft. Troye Sivan
Rule the world- Walk off the edge
Where are ü now- Justin Bieber
Locked away- R. City
Nothing really matters- Mr Probz

4- Put your phone on airplane mode 

Summer is the season that feeds our internet obsession. Right before sleeping put your phone on airplane phone to lessen the radioactive waves and have uninterrupted sleep. Keep it on airplane mode until you're out of the house so that the notifications of last night don't consume the time you have to get ready.

5- Read positive affirmations every morning

This is a big one for me. Now, I've been reading a book that has made more conscious about my thoughts. Saying positive affirmations every morning motivates you to work hard and be in the right mindset.

6- Prepare the night before

Okay, I know we're all really lazy the night before but seriously I love sleep and preparing your bag/ outfit in the morning takes a lot of time, time during which you could be sleeping! So make sure what you have to do in the morning is kept to a minimum and your sleep to a maximum 

7- Have a go to healthy breakfast 

Even if we have the most leak proof system of getting to school on time, oftentimes we are confronted by the snooze button temptation. So just in case you unconsciously press it one too many times make sure you have a go to easy, fast and healthy breakfast so you don't end up grabbing a chocolate bar and starting your day the wrong way.

8- Pamper yourself 

Okay this is not for everyone. I'm personally a big fan of taking time for myself and just doing something I love to do. I find that most of the time I have a lot of activities after school and I tend to not have enough time to do something for myself. So every morning I do a little something for myself whether that's pampering my skin with a mask, or reading a couple of pages of a good book or doing some yoga. Anything really. And it doesn't have to be everyday. I find that this keeps me looking forward to my morning

That was it for this week.. Feedback is much appreciated as usual.

Feel free to share the post, that makes me very happy

Check out my last post: 

Don't confirm to conform

Please like my Facebook page if you haven't already

For suggestions as to what you'd like to read next please let me know

Joyfully yours,

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Don't confirm to conform

To conform is to behave according to socially acceptable conventions or at least that's how it's defined in the dictionary of my iPhone.
We are all raised to express ourselves freely and to do what we love yet we live in a society that doesn't encourage that kind of behaviour.
It seems to me as though some people are perplexed by the fact that we don't all think and act alike. They fight individualism. To them it's almost impossible for anyone to not want the same things they do and it's this kind of people that makes others pay the price of being different and the price is quite expensive too. 
The doubts, the looks and most importantly the reassurance that you won't be able to make a difference. 
You pay the price for listening to your soul's cry for freedom, for following your heart and your path courageously, for not wanting to find yourself in a life that doesn't reflect who you are.
It takes a brave soul to resist the temptation of the approval of others.
It takes a strong heart to avoid giving oneself in small portions until there's nothing left to give .
It takes maturity to know you have at your command the greatest power known to man: the mind. 
"We are all victims victims we originate from generations that have struggled to know their value and we have inherited their confusion"(-Chris Micheals)
However we must learn to live yourselves unconditionally, to put ourselves first for this isn't selfishness that's self-respect.
Conformity to an extend can be useful but we must allow room for ourselves to do what we love and to be who we want to be. Instead of being modern slaves of society. Or else we'll find ourselves in a pool of regrets not knowing where our lives have gone. We must learn to stop longing for the safety and conservation we find in conformity and start yearning for the individualism that we so desperately need. It's in our names, we are individuals because we are different. And we should embrace that.

Inspired by the book: the power of you

That was it for this week.. Feedback is much appreciated as usual.

Check out my last post:

Auntie to be

Please like my Facebook page if you haven't already

For suggestions as to what you'd like to read next please let me know

Joyfully yours,

Sunday, July 12, 2015

A new chapter: Auntie to be

I start loving him so deeply even though I have yet to meet him. He filled a place in my heart I didn't know was empty. And I imagine the moment I touch his little fingers.
Everything stops. Hearing his small breaths, one by one. I struggle to catch my own. The sound of his voice uttering his very first words. And the excitement of his first steps. I am impatiently waiting for a miracle. A miracle that shook my entire world before it got a taste of its own. Fast forward into kindergarten. Listening tirelessly about his new friends. Taking him to movies and amusement parks. The look of innocence and purity in his eyes. His very first bicycle which later turns into his brand-new car as he hops inside with a big smile on his face and a licence in his hands. 
Graduation knocks on the door and he's independent, facing the world.
I can't wrap my mind around that idea. The little baby I was once waiting to meet turns into an adult. I stand in awe of the miracle that is life and the excitement of being an auntie contains me. I just can't put it into words.

That was it for this week… It's a bit different and more personal than usual.. Feedback is much appreciated as usual.

Check out my last post:

Summer Bucketlist

Please like my Facebook page if you haven't already

For suggestions as to what you'd like to read next please let me know

Friday, June 26, 2015

Summer Bucketlist

Summer is the time students get holiday which is a big load off. After a very stressful year full of hard work we tend to want to indulge in some laziness by binge watching TV while eating pizza and popcorn. Don't deny it.

 And before we know it summer has almost come to an end and it's time to go back to school. 

This year I wanna do something different. To make summer of 2015 memorable I am going to write down 10 things I want to do this summer. And document them as I do them whether that's through taking polaroid pictures or writing a few sentences about the experience.

These can be as simple or as courageous as you want them to be.

So without further ado here is my summer bucket list

1-Relax in the sun
I just want to take my time and savour the beautiful sunlight and reflect on all the blessings I have in my life

2-Don't use your phone for 3 days straight 
This one's going to be hard but well worth it.. As an internet lover it will be quite difficult to part ways with my most used device but connecting with the world and plugging out of online life will give me the opportunity to live more fully

3-Have a nice yoga session
I absolutely love yoga. It's so freeing and relaxing but I rarely have time during the school year to have a full on intense yoga session so this summer I'll  have nothing to stop me

No, i don't look like that in yoga

More like this

4-Go to the movies
Yes, as cheesy as this sounds. It's been a while since I've seen a good movie. Not one of those chick flicks or classic egyptian comedy rather a more of a blockbuster

5-Have a sleepover
I absolutely love sleepovers! There's just something about late night conversations that's so deep. I've already started planning a sleep over with two of my favorite people over a frozen sing a long movie 

6-Start mind-storming for your book
Possibly being a very personal part of my bucket list. One of my biggest dreams is writing a book. And so the mere thought of it is extremely freeing and exciting

7-Watch the sun rise
One of the most beautiful things happens every morning yet most of the audience still sleeps. I want to set my alarm real early and meditate.

8-Carve something onto a tree
Yeah, i'm just that random

Okay maybe not that good

9-Donate money to a medical cause
And I encourage everyone to do the same. No matter how small the donation is, you have no idea how big of a difference it can make.

10- Try something new
I wanted to keep the last one open. If you have any suggestions or thoughts i'd be happy to hear them. I'm up for an adventure.

That was it for this week. I hope you enjoyed my little list. If you have any requests for future posts i'd love to hear them. If you make your own list or try some of the things on mine please send me pictures or tell me about it.

Other than that please like my facebook page if you haven't already:

I hope you have a blessed week